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Regulatory and other barriers in the implementation of response options to reduce impacts from variable RES sources

E. Lobato, L. Olmos, T. Gómez, F.M. Andersen, P.E. Grohnheit, P. Mancarella, D. Pudjianto, F. Van Oostvoorn, A. Van der Welle

In order to counteract the negative impacts resulting from the increase of intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) and distributed generation (DG) on electricity systems (identified in deliverable D4 of the RESPOND project), a number of response options were defined, analysed and assessed in deliverable D5 of the same project. Subsequently, this document has been developed to detect actual and potential barriers that may hinder the implementation of the identified respond options. For this purpose, a detailed questionnaire was developed in order to expand and collect additional information for the five country case studies (Spain, UK, Denmark, Germany, and the Netherlands) regarding the national situation and the position of national regulators and parties on the different key barriers. D5 market responses were aimed at reducing the (potential) increase of system costs resulting from generating more electricity with intermittent generation technologies now and in the future. The topics covered by this report (deliverable D6) concern the barriers that form a blockade to the implementation of D5 recommended options, measures, system changes, etc. This report follows the structure of the aforementioned questionnaire and survey. Thus, we analyse and present the barriers in the context of their application in different segments or parts of the system, i.e. generation (including both conventional generation and renewable and combined heat and power (RES/CHP) generation), demand of electricity, national and regional electricity markets, and finally transmission and distributions (T&D) networks. The main division of identified barriers is presented in the following in the following paragraphs. […]


Funding entity: Comisión Europea. Intelligent Energy-Europe (IEE)

Publication date: 01-01-2009


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